SAE Institute X AD Gaming X Nvidia Global Game Jam 2024
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SAE Institute X AD Gaming X Nvidia Global Game Jam 2024

The 2024 Global Game Jam, hosted by SAE Institute Dubai, NVIDIA, and AD Gaming, was a resounding success.
SAE Institute X AD Gaming X Nvidia Global Game Jam 2024
Excitement Starts

The SAE Institute X AD Gaming X Nvidia Global Game Jam 2024 event commenced on January 26th. The announcement of this year’s theme, “Make Me Laugh,” sparked excitement among game developers, designers, and creatives, prompting them to eagerly dive into the game creation process.

48 Hours of Creativity

With only 48 hours to craft and develop their games, teams immediately immersed themselves in the game development process, utilizing NVIDIA technologies to bring their concepts to life. The promise of five laptops from NVIDIA further fueled their motivation.

The Yas Creative Hub provided an optimal setting for the event, fostering an environment where jammers could flourish creatively. Its atmosphere encouraged participants to explore endless possibilities and expand their imaginations.

SAE Institute Game Jam 2024 SAE Institute Game Jam 2024 SAE Institute Game Jam 2024 SAE Institute Game Jam 2024


Judges’ Impression

As the event progressed, the quality of the games presented surpassed expectations. Judges enthusiastically praised the creativity and innovation on display, recognizing them as standout creations from previous game jams.

Winning Stars

The game jam culminated in the announcement of the winners, igniting excitement and anticipation. Jeff Taylor, an SAE alumni and game designer, alongside Vishnu Raveendran, also an SAE alumni and game developer, emerged victorious. Each received a prestigious GeForce RTX 40 Series Laptop from NVIDIA Middle East.

Key Insights & More

By the end of the game jam, an impressive total of 16 games were developed, with approximately 60 active developers collaborating tirelessly to bring their visions to fruition.

In conclusion, the Global Game Jam event, supported by NVIDIA, AD Gaming, and Zempie, was a resounding success, showcasing the passion and talent of the gaming community. With the Yas Creative Hub as its backdrop, it provided an unforgettable experience for all involved, leaving participants eager for the next opportunity to showcase their skills.