” While art is my inborn talent, studying at SAE has helped me to a great extent in mind mapping, especially in design and drawing. ”
What was your favorite part of the course?
I enjoyed Design and drawing throughout my course at SAE.
What are some of your highlights from studying at SAE?
Studying at SAE professionally uplifted my understanding of art. I gained background knowledge of design, business ideas and benefits of combining soft and hard art.
What skills and knowledge did SAE help you develop?
I greatly enjoyed improving my skills using various design tools in order to have successful collaborations with students across other disciplines and also produce high quality work during my internship. Portfolio development was also helpful.
What inspired you to enter into the career you are in?
I received a lot of encouragement from my mentors and being in a motivating art environment was a true inspiration.
Are you able to shed some light on how studying at SAE lead you to where you are now?
While art is my inborn talent, studying at SAE has helped me to a great extent in mind mapping, especially in design and drawing. I now feel I am on a platform where I am able to collaborate with other artists, animators and to a large extent able to co-use multiple skills acquired.
What are your career highlights?
I have had the opportunity to showcase my art in various elite art galleries in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Holland. I have also undertaken solo exhibitions at the Jumeirah Gold Estate Clubhouse. One of my most exciting projects was when I was asked to illustrate the cover and several pages of a book Shared Vision, Shared Voices by the Ministry of State and International Affairs.
What projects are you working on at the moment? What is the concept? How did you come to it?
Currently I am working on commissions, projects for Exhibitions in Europe and Paintings for a new hotel in Qatar.
What advice would you give to students aspiring to become successful in their field?
Determination, practice and build passion for what you dream to do. The key to success is to keep learning and do your best to what you can.
Bachelor of Design
Student(s) Involved
Victor Sitali
Year Produced